Class AbstractExperiment

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LearningStreamExperiment, ModelComparisonExperiment, StructureLearningAlgorithmsComparisonExperiment

public abstract class AbstractExperiment extends Object implements Experiment
Abstract class for defining experiments. This class provides a structure for setting up and executing different types of experiments related to Multi-CTBNCs.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractExperiment

      public AbstractExperiment(String[] experimentConfig)
      This constructor initializes an experiment with the provided configuration parameters. It converts an array of configuration parameters into a queue, which allows for efficient processing of these parameters in the derived experiment classes.
      experimentConfig - array of strings representing the configuration parameters for the experiment
  • Method Details

    • getExperimentConfig

      protected Queue<String> getExperimentConfig()
      Retrieves the queue of experiment configuration parameters.
      queue of strings representing the configuration parameters for the experiment