Class Controller


public class Controller extends Object
Controller used to initialise the elements of the GUI and allow the interaction between the logic of the application and the GUI.
  • Constructor Details

    • Controller

      public Controller()
  • Method Details

    • changeDatasetReader

      public void changeDatasetReader()
      A dataset reader was selected in the comboBox. Shows its correspondent options.
    • changeDatasetReaderClassification

      public void changeDatasetReaderClassification()
      A dataset reader for the classification dataset was selected in the comboBox. Shows its correspondent options.
    • changeDatasetReaderClassificationStrategy

      public void changeDatasetReaderClassificationStrategy()
      An strategy for the extraction of sequences to classify was selected. Shows its correspondent options.
    • changeDatasetReaderStrategy

      public void changeDatasetReaderStrategy()
      An strategy for the extraction of sequences was selected. Shows its correspondent options.
    • changeModel

      public void changeModel()
      A model was selected in the comboBox. Shows its correspondent hyperparameters.
    • changeParameterLearningAlgBN

      public void changeParameterLearningAlgBN()
      A parameter learning algorithm for BNs was selected in the comboBox. Its corresponding parameters are shown.
    • changeParameterLearningAlgCTBN

      public void changeParameterLearningAlgCTBN()
      A parameter learning algorithm for CTBNs was selected in the comboBox. Shows its correspondent parameters.
    • changeScoreFunction

      public void changeScoreFunction()
      A score function was selected in the comboBox. Shows its correspondent parameters.
    • changeStructureLearningAlg

      public void changeStructureLearningAlg()
      A structure learning algorithm was selected in the comboBox. Shows its correspondent parameters.
    • classify

      public void classify()
      Performs classification over a provided dataset with a previously trained model.
    • datasetClassificationModified

      public void datasetClassificationModified()
      The information of the dataset used for classification was modified, so its DatasetReader is warned. This is useful to avoid the reloading of the same dataset.
    • datasetModified

      public void datasetModified()
      The information of the dataset for training/evaluation was modified, so its DatasetReader is warned. This is useful to avoid the reloading of the same dataset.
    • evaluate

      public void evaluate()
      Evaluates the selected model.
    • initialize

      public void initialize()
      Initialises the controller.
    • selectCrossValidation

      public void selectCrossValidation()
      Cross-validation method was selected. Shows its correspondent parameters.
    • selectHoldOutValidation

      public void selectHoldOutValidation()
      Hold-out-validation method was selected. Shows its correspondent parameters.
    • selectTestDataset

      public void selectTestDataset()
      Test dataset method was selected. Shows its correspondent parameters.
    • setFolderDataset

      public void setFolderDataset() throws FileNotFoundException
      Opens a dialog to select the folder where the dataset for training and evaluation is located.
      FileNotFoundException - if the provided files were not found
    • setFolderDatasetClassification

      public void setFolderDatasetClassification() throws FileNotFoundException
      Opens a dialog to select the folder where the dataset on which classification is performed is located.
      FileNotFoundException - if the provided files were not found
    • setFolderTestDataset

      public void setFolderTestDataset() throws FileNotFoundException
      Opens a dialog to select the folder where the dataset for testing is located.
      FileNotFoundException - if the provided files were not found
    • setStage

      public void setStage(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
      Establishes the stage used by the application to show dialogs.
      stage - a Stage
    • trainModel

      public void trainModel()
      Trains the selected model.