Class AbstractStructureConstraints

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DAG, Digraph, EmptyBN, MaxKCTBNC, NaiveBayes

public abstract class AbstractStructureConstraints extends Object implements StructureConstraints
Contains common attributes and methods for classes that determine the structure constraints of PFG.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractStructureConstraints

      public AbstractStructureConstraints()
  • Method Details

    • initialiseStructure

      public void initialiseStructure(PGM<? extends Node> pgm)
      Description copied from interface: StructureConstraints
      The structure of the PGM is initialised. This method is necessary for models such as naive Bayes.
      Specified by:
      initialiseStructure in interface StructureConstraints
      pgm - probabilistic graphical model
    • uniqueStructure

      public boolean uniqueStructure()
      Description copied from interface: StructureConstraints
      Determines if there is only one possible structure. This is the case of models such as naive Bayes, for which it is not necessary to find a structure.
      Specified by:
      uniqueStructure in interface StructureConstraints
      true if there is only one possible structure, false otherwise