Class ClassifierFactory


public class ClassifierFactory extends Object
Provides static methods for the creation of classifiers.
  • Constructor Details

    • ClassifierFactory

      public ClassifierFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getAvailableModels

      public static List<String> getAvailableModels()
      Returns a list with the currently available classifiers.
      list of available classifiers
    • getMultiCTBNC

      public static MultiCTBNC getMultiCTBNC(String nameClassifier, BNLearningAlgorithms bnLearningAlgs, CTBNLearningAlgorithms ctbnLearningAlgs)
      Builds the specified classifier. The node type for the class variables is assumed to be a CPTNode, while for a feature variable a CIMNode.
      nameClassifier - name of the classifier to build
      bnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for Bayesian networks
      ctbnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for continuous-time Bayesian networks
      a MultiCTBNC
    • getMultiCTBNC

      public static MultiCTBNC getMultiCTBNC(String nameClassifier, BNLearningAlgorithms bnLearningAlgs, CTBNLearningAlgorithms ctbnLearningAlgs, Map<String,String> hyperparameters)
      Builds the specified classifier with the provided hyperparameters. The node type for the class variables is assumed to be a CPTNode, while for a feature variable a CIMNode.
      nameClassifier - name of the classifier to build
      bnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for Bayesian networks
      ctbnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for continuous-time Bayesian networks
      hyperparameters - specific hyperparameters for each type of classifier
      a MultiCTBNC
    • getMultiCTBNC

      public static <NodeTypeBN extends Node, NodeTypeCTBN extends Node> MultiCTBNC<NodeTypeBN,NodeTypeCTBN> getMultiCTBNC(String nameClassifier, BNLearningAlgorithms bnLearningAlgs, CTBNLearningAlgorithms ctbnLearningAlgs, Map<String,String> hyperparameters, Class<NodeTypeBN> bnNodeClass, Class<NodeTypeCTBN> ctbnNodeClass)
      Builds the specified classifier with the provided hyperparameters.
      Type Parameters:
      NodeTypeBN - type of the nodes of the Bayesian network
      NodeTypeCTBN - type of the nodes of the continuous-time Bayesian network
      nameClassifier - name of the classifier to build
      bnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for Bayesian networks
      ctbnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for continuous-time Bayesian networks
      hyperparameters - specific hyperparameters for each type of classifier
      bnNodeClass - Bayesian network node type
      ctbnNodeClass - continuous-time Bayesian network node type
      a MultiCTBNC
    • getMultiCTBNC

      public static MultiCTBNC<CPTNode,CIMNode> getMultiCTBNC()
      Generates a Multi-CTBNC including some default nodes and algorithms for the learning of its parameters and structure. This method was thought to easily generate the classifier.
      a Multi-CTBNC
    • getMultiCTBNCLearnedWithCTPC

      public static MultiCTBNC<CPTNode,CIMNode> getMultiCTBNCLearnedWithCTPC()
      Generates a Multi-CTBNC including some default nodes and algorithms for the learning of its parameters and structure. This method was thought to easily generate the classifier. The algorithms could be later modifier.
      a Multi-CTBNC
    • getMultiCTBNCLearnedWithHybridAlgorithm

      public static MultiCTBNC<CPTNode,CIMNode> getMultiCTBNCLearnedWithHybridAlgorithm()
      Generates a Multi-CTBNC including some default nodes and algorithms for the learning of its parameters and structure. This method was thought to easily generate the classifier. The algorithms could be later modifier.
      a Multi-CTBNC
    • getMultiCTBNCLearnedWithMBCTPC

      public static MultiCTBNC<CPTNode,CIMNode> getMultiCTBNCLearnedWithMBCTPC()
      Generates a Multi-CTBNC including some default nodes and algorithms for the learning of its parameters and structure. This method was thought to easily generate the classifier. The algorithms could be later modifier.
      a Multi-CTBNC