Class MultiCTBNC<NodeTypeBN extends Node,NodeTypeCTBN extends Node>

Type Parameters:
NodeTypeBN - type of the nodes of the BN (class subgraph)
NodeTypeCTBN - type of the nodes of the CTBN (feature subgraph)
All Implemented Interfaces:
Classifier, PGM<Node>
Direct Known Subclasses:
DAG_maxK_MultiCTBNC, Empty_digraph_MultiCTBNC, Empty_maxK_MultiCTBNC, MultiCTNBC

public class MultiCTBNC<NodeTypeBN extends Node,NodeTypeCTBN extends Node> extends AbstractPGM<Node> implements Classifier
Implements the multi-dimensional continuous-time Bayesian network classifier (Multi-CTBNC).
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiCTBNC

      public MultiCTBNC(BNLearningAlgorithms bnLearningAlgs, CTBNLearningAlgorithms ctbnLearningAlgs, Class<NodeTypeBN> bnNodeClass, Class<NodeTypeCTBN> ctbnNodeClass)
      Receives learning algorithms for Bayesian networks and continuous-time Bayesian networks to generate a Multi-CTBNC.
      bnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for Bayesian networks
      ctbnLearningAlgs - parameter and structure learning algorithms for continuous-time Bayesian networks
      bnNodeClass - Bayesian network node type
      ctbnNodeClass - continuous-time Bayesian network node type
    • MultiCTBNC

      public MultiCTBNC(BN<NodeTypeBN> bn, CTBN<NodeTypeCTBN> ctbn)
      Receives a Bayesian network and a continuous-time Bayesian network that represent the class subgraph and feature/bridge subgraph of a Multi-CTBNC, respectively.
      bn - Bayesian network
      ctbn - continuous-time Bayesian network
  • Method Details

    • getNodesFeatureVariables

      public List<NodeTypeCTBN> getNodesFeatureVariables()
      Returns the list of nodes for the feature variables.
      list of nodes for the feature variables
    • getNodesClassVariables

      public List<NodeTypeBN> getNodesClassVariables()
      Returns the list of nodes for the class variables.
      list of nodes for the class variables
    • getInitialStructure

      public String getInitialStructure()
      Return the name of the initial structure of the model. This can be, for example, an empty structure (Empty) or a naive Bayes where all features are children of all class variables (Naive Bayes).
      name of the initial structure
    • setInitialStructure

      public void setInitialStructure(String initialStructure)
      Establishes the approach that will be used to define the initial structure of the Multi-CTBNC. For now, it is possible to define an empty structure or a naive Bayes.
      initialStructure - initial structure that will be used (Empty (default) or naive Bayes)
    • getLearningAlgsBN

      public BNLearningAlgorithms getLearningAlgsBN()
      Returns learning algorithms for class subgraph (Bayesian network).
      learning algorithms for class subgraph (Bayesian network)
    • getLearningAlgsCTBN

      public CTBNLearningAlgorithms getLearningAlgsCTBN()
      Returns learning algorithms for bridge and features subgraphs (continuous time Bayesian network).
      learning algorithms for bridge and features subgraphs (continuous time Bayesian network)
    • getNameFeatureVariables

      public List<String> getNameFeatureVariables()
      Returns the names of the feature variables.
      names of the feature variables
    • getNumFeatureVariables

      public int getNumFeatureVariables()
      Returns the number of nodes for the feature variables.
      number of nodes for the feature variables
    • getTypeNodeClassVariable

      public Class<NodeTypeBN> getTypeNodeClassVariable()
      NodeFactory Returns the type of the class variable nodes.
      type of the class variable nodes
    • getTypeNodeFeature

      public Class<NodeTypeCTBN> getTypeNodeFeature()
      Returns the type of the feature nodes.
      type of the feature nodes
    • sample

      public Sequence sample(double duration)
      Samples a sequence given its duration.
      duration - duration of the sequence
      sampled sequence
    • sample

      public Sequence sample(double duration, double percentageNoisyStates, double stdDeviationGaussianNoiseWaitingTime)
      Samples a sequence given its duration with added noise.
      duration - duration of the sequence
      percentageNoisyStates - percentage of class variables' states and state transitions of feature variables which are randomly sampled.
      stdDeviationGaussianNoiseWaitingTime - standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution used to sample noise to be added to the waiting times of feature variables in a certain state
      sampled sequence
    • setBnLearningAlgs

      public void setBnLearningAlgs(BNLearningAlgorithms bnLearningAlgs)
      Sets the learning algorithms used to define the class subgraph (BN).
      bnLearningAlgs - structure learning algorithms
    • setCtbnLearningAlgs

      public void setCtbnLearningAlgs(CTBNLearningAlgorithms ctbnLearningAlgs)
      Sets the learning algorithms used to define the bridge and feature subgraphs (CTBN).
      ctbnLearningAlgs - structure learning algorithms
    • update

      public long update(List<Node> nodes, Dataset dataset) throws ErroneousValueException
      Learns the sets of parents and children of some nodes from a provided dataset and update the model with them.
      nodes - list of nodes
      dataset - a dataset
      time to perform the learning
      ErroneousValueException - if an error occurs during the updating process
    • updateBridgeAndFeatureSubgraph

      public long updateBridgeAndFeatureSubgraph(Dataset dataset) throws ErroneousValueException
      Updates the bridge and feature subgraphs of the Multi-CTBNC model with new data from the provided dataset. If the model is empty, it learns the model for the first time using the dataset.
      dataset - dataset containing the new data for updating the model
      time taken to update the model in milliseconds
      ErroneousValueException - if an error occurs during the updating process
    • getStructureConstraintsBN

      public StructureConstraints getStructureConstraintsBN()
      Returns the structure constraints for the BN.
      a StructureConstraint
    • getStructureConstraintsCTBN

      public StructureConstraints getStructureConstraintsCTBN()
      Returns the structure constraints for the CTBN.
      a StructureConstraint
    • areParametersEstimated

      public boolean areParametersEstimated()
      Description copied from interface: PGM
      Returns true if all the parameters were estimated.
      Specified by:
      areParametersEstimated in interface PGM<NodeTypeBN extends Node>
      areParametersEstimated in class AbstractPGM<Node>
      true if all the parameters were estimated
    • getNodes

      public List<Node> getNodes()
      Description copied from interface: PGM
      Returns all the nodes in the model.
      Specified by:
      getNodes in interface PGM<NodeTypeBN extends Node>
      getNodes in class AbstractPGM<Node>
      list of nodes
    • learn

      public long learn(Dataset dataset) throws ErroneousValueException
      Description copied from interface: PGM
      Learns the structure and parameters of the model from a given dataset.
      Specified by:
      learn in interface PGM<NodeTypeBN extends Node>
      learn in class AbstractPGM<Node>
      dataset - dataset used to learn the model
      time to learn the model
      ErroneousValueException - if a provided parameter is erroneous for the requested task
    • learnParameters

      public void learnParameters(Dataset dataset)
      Description copied from interface: PGM
      Learns the parameters of the PGM using the provided dataset.
      Specified by:
      learnParameters in interface PGM<NodeTypeBN extends Node>
      learnParameters in class AbstractPGM<Node>
      dataset - dataset used to learn the parameters
    • getBN

      public BN<NodeTypeBN> getBN()
      Returns the Bayesian network used to model the class subgraph of the Multi-CTBNC.
      a Bayesian network
    • getCTBN

      public CTBN<NodeTypeCTBN> getCTBN()
      Returns the continuous-time Bayesian network used to model the bridge and feature subgraphs of the Multi-CTBNC.
      a continuous-time Bayesian network
    • getNodesCTBN

      public List<NodeTypeCTBN> getNodesCTBN()
      Returns the nodes of the continuous-time Bayesian network modelling the feature and bridge subgraphs of the Multi-CTBNC.
      node list
    • learnParameters

      public void learnParameters(Dataset dataset, int idxNode)
      Description copied from interface: PGM
      Learns the parameters of a certain node of the PGM using the provided dataset.
      Specified by:
      learnParameters in interface PGM<NodeTypeBN extends Node>
      learnParameters in class AbstractPGM<Node>
      dataset - dataset used to learn the parameters
      idxNode - node index
    • getModelIdentifier

      public String getModelIdentifier()
      Description copied from interface: PGM
      Returns a String that identifies the model.
      Specified by:
      getModelIdentifier in interface PGM<NodeTypeBN extends Node>
      String that identifies the model
    • getType

      public String getType()
      Description copied from interface: PGM
      Provides the type of PGM.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface PGM<NodeTypeBN extends Node>
      string describing the type of PGM
    • predict

      public Prediction[] predict(Dataset dataset, boolean estimateProbabilities)
      Performs classification over the sequences of a dataset according to the maximum a posteriori probability, i.e., the classes that obtain the highest posterior probability given each sequence are predicted.
      Specified by:
      predict in interface Classifier
      dataset - dataset from which the sequences to predict are extracted
      estimateProbabilities - true to estimate the probabilities of the class configurations, false otherwise
      array of Prediction objects (one per sequence) that contain the predicted classes and, if requested, the probabilities of all possible class configurations
    • getNodesCTBNInMarkovBlanketClassVariables

      public List<NodeTypeCTBN> getNodesCTBNInMarkovBlanketClassVariables()
      Returns the nodes of the continuous-time Bayesian network modelling the feature and bridge subgraphs of the Multi-CTBNC, which are in the Markov blaket of at least one class variable.
      node list
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getNumClassVariables

      public int getNumClassVariables()
      Returns the number of nodes for the class variables.
      number of nodes for the class variables