Class AverageLocalLogLikelihood

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AverageLocalLogLikelihood extends Object implements ConceptDriftScore
This class provides a method to compute the average local log-likelihood of each node of a Multi-CTBNC.
  • Field Details

    • penalisationFunctionMap

      protected Map<String,DoubleUnaryOperator> penalisationFunctionMap
      A map that associates penalisation function names with their corresponding mathematical functions.
  • Constructor Details

    • AverageLocalLogLikelihood

      public AverageLocalLogLikelihood(String penalisationFunction)
      Constructs an instance of AverageLocalLogLikelihood with a specified penalisation function.
      penalisationFunction - name of the penalisation function
  • Method Details

    • compute

      public double[] compute(MultiCTBNC<CPTNode,CIMNode> model, Dataset newBatch, List<String> nameVariables)
      Description copied from interface: ConceptDriftScore
      Compute the score over each node of the provided MultiCTBNC.
      Specified by:
      compute in interface ConceptDriftScore
      model - MultiCTBNC model to be evaluated for concept drift
      newBatch - new data batch that is used to compute the drift score
      nameVariables - names of the variables
      array of doubles representing the drift scores for each node