Class ConceptDriftGloballyAdaptiveMethod


public class ConceptDriftGloballyAdaptiveMethod extends ConceptDriftAdaptiveMethod
This class implements a concept drift adaptive method that operates globally on a MultiCTBNC model. The method utilizes a Page-Hinkley test to detect significant changes in the log-likelihood score of the model, indicating possible concept drifts. Upon detection, the model is adapted.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConceptDriftGloballyAdaptiveMethod

      public ConceptDriftGloballyAdaptiveMethod(List<String> namesVariables, ConceptDriftScore conceptDriftScore, double magnitudeThreshold, double detectionThreshold, boolean resetAfterConceptDrift, int windowSize, boolean showCharts, String title)
      Initializes the globally adaptive concept drift method with specified parameters.
      namesVariables - list of variable names used in the model
      conceptDriftScore - scoring mechanism to detect concept drift
      magnitudeThreshold - threshold for magnitude change in the Page-Hinkley test
      detectionThreshold - threshold for drift detection in the Page-Hinkley test
      resetAfterConceptDrift - flag to reset the Page-Hinkley test after detecting a drift
      windowSize - size of the window for the Page-Hinkley test
      showCharts - flag indicating whether to display drift detection charts
      title - title for the drift detection charts
  • Method Details

    • setUpLineChart

      protected void setUpLineChart(String title, double detectionThreshold)
      Sets up line charts for visualizing concept drift detection results if the charts are enabled.
      Specified by:
      setUpLineChart in class ConceptDriftAdaptiveMethod
      title - title for the line charts
      detectionThreshold - threshold value for detecting concept drifts
    • adaptModel

      public boolean adaptModel(MultiCTBNC<CPTNode,CIMNode> model, Dataset newBatch) throws ErroneousValueException
      Adapts the provided MultiCTBNC model based on the new data batch. It detects concept drifts and updates the model.
      Specified by:
      adaptModel in class ConceptDriftAdaptiveMethod
      model - MultiCTBNC model to be adapted.
      newBatch - new data batch for concept drift detection and model adaptation
      true if a concept drift is detected and the model is adapted, false otherwise
      ErroneousValueException - if an error occurs during the adaptation process
    • getResults

      public String getResults()
      Description copied from class: ConceptDriftAdaptiveMethod
      Returns a String describing the results of the last concept drift detection.
      Specified by:
      getResults in class ConceptDriftAdaptiveMethod
      String describing the concept drift detection results
    • getLastChangedNodes

      public List<Node> getLastChangedNodes()
      Description copied from class: ConceptDriftAdaptiveMethod
      Retrieves the list of nodes that were last identified as having undergone concept drift.
      Specified by:
      getLastChangedNodes in class ConceptDriftAdaptiveMethod
      list of nodes that experienced concept drift in the most recent adaptation