
public class Sequence extends Object
Represents a sequence of multivariate data, i.e., a set of data points with multiple variables where the order is relevant. In this case, a sequence represents a time series since the data is ordered by a time variable.
  • Constructor Details

    • Sequence

      public Sequence(List<String> nameVariables, String nameTimeVariable, List<String> nameClassVariables, List<String[]> dataObservations) throws ErroneousSequenceException
      Constructs a Sequence. It receives the names of all the variables and those that are time and class variables, and the observations of the sequence.
      nameVariables - names of all the variables in the sequence. It is assumed that they are presented in the same order as they appear in the data of the observations
      nameTimeVariable - name of the time variable
      nameClassVariables - name of the class variables
      dataObservations - list of arrays with the values of the observations
      ErroneousSequenceException - if a valid sequence cannot be created with the provided data
    • Sequence

      public Sequence(String nameTimeVariable, List<String> nameFeatureVariables, List<String> nameClassVariables, double[] timeValues, String[][] featureVariablesValues, String[] classVariablesValues, Map<String,Integer> idxFeatureVariables)
      Constructs a Sequence. It receives the names of the time, feature and class variables and their observations.
      nameTimeVariable - name of the time variable
      nameFeatureVariables - name of the feature variables
      nameClassVariables - name of the class variables
      timeValues - array of time values for the sequence
      featureVariablesValues - array of feature variable values for the sequence
      classVariablesValues - array of class variable values for the sequence
      idxFeatureVariables - mapping of feature variable names to their indexes
    • Sequence

      public Sequence(List<String> nameVariables, String nameTimeVariable, List<String> nameClassVariables, List<String> nameFeatureVariables, List<String[]> dataObservations) throws ErroneousSequenceException
      Constructs a Sequence. It receives the names of all the variables and the observations of the sequence.
      nameVariables - names of all the variables in the sequence. It is assumed that they are presented in the same order as they appear in the data of the observations
      nameTimeVariable - name of the time variable
      nameClassVariables - names of the class variables
      nameFeatureVariables - names of the feature variables
      dataObservations - list of arrays with the values of the observations
      ErroneousSequenceException - if a valid sequence cannot be created with the provided data
    • Sequence

      public Sequence(State stateClassVariables, List<State> observations, String nameTimeVariable, List<Double> timestamps) throws ErroneousSequenceException
      Constructs a Sequence. This constructor is used by the models to sample sequences.
      stateClassVariables - class configuration of the class variables
      observations - list of State representing the observations of the sequence
      nameTimeVariable - name of the time variable
      timestamps - list of Double representing the timestamps when each observation of the sequence was obtained
      ErroneousSequenceException - if a valid sequence cannot be created with the provided data
  • Method Details

    • addFeatureVariable

      public boolean addFeatureVariable(String nameFeatureVariable, Sequence sequence)
      Adds a new feature variable to the sequence by copying the values from another sequence with the same number of observations.
      nameFeatureVariable - name of the new feature variable to be added
      sequence - sequence containing the values of the new feature variable for each observation
      true if the addition was successful, false otherwise
    • getNumObservations

      public int getNumObservations()
      Returns the number of observations that the sequence contains.
      number of observations
    • getNumClassAndFeatureVariables

      public int getNumClassAndFeatureVariables()
      Returns the total number of class and feature variables in the sequence.
      total number of class and feature variables in the sequence
    • getValueFeatureVariable

      public String getValueFeatureVariable(int idxObservation, String nameVariable)
      Returns the value of a certain feature variable for a given observation.
      idxObservation - observation index
      nameVariable - name of the variable
      value of the feature variable in the observation
    • getNameClassVariables

      public List<String> getNameClassVariables()
      Returns the names of the class variables.
      names of the class variables
    • getNameFeatureVariables

      public List<String> getNameFeatureVariables()
      Returns the names of the feature variables.
      names of the feature variables.
    • getClassVariables

      public Map<String,String> getClassVariables()
      Returns a Map object with the class variables' names and values.
      Map with names and values of the class variables
    • getFilePath

      public String getFilePath()
      Returns the path of the file from which the sequence was extracted.
      path of the file from which the sequence was extracted
    • setFilePath

      public void setFilePath(String filePath)
      Sets the path of the file from which the sequence was extracted.
      filePath - path of the file
    • getIdxFeatureVariables

      public Map<String,Integer> getIdxFeatureVariables()
      Retrieves the mapping of feature variable names to their indexes within the sequence.
      Map where keys are the names of the feature variables and values are their corresponding indexes in the observations.
    • getNameAllVariables

      public List<String> getNameAllVariables()
      Returns the name of all the variables, including the time variable.
      name of all the variables
    • getNameTimeVariable

      public String getNameTimeVariable()
      Returns the name of the time variable.
      name of the time variable
    • getStates

      public String[] getStates(String nameVariable)
      Gets all the possible states of a specific variable. Returns null if the variable does not exist or was ignored.
      nameVariable - name of the variable whose possible states we want to know
      Array with the states of the variable
    • getTimeValues

      public double[] getTimeValues()
      Returns the values of the time variable in the sequence.
      values of the time variable in the sequence
    • getValueVariable

      public String getValueVariable(int idxObservation, String nameVariable)
      Returns the value of a certain variable for a given observation.
      idxObservation - observation index
      nameVariable - name of the variable
      value of the variable in the observation
    • getValueClassVariable

      public String getValueClassVariable(String nameClassVariable)
      Returns the values of the specified class variable.
      nameClassVariable - name of the class variable
      values of the class variable
    • getVariablesValues

      public String[][] getVariablesValues()
      Retrieves the array of values for all variables (excluding the time variable) for each observation in the sequence.
      array of String where each row represents an observation and each column represents a variable's value at that observation
    • removeFeatureVariable

      public void removeFeatureVariable(String nameFeature)
      Removes a feature from the sequence.
      nameFeature - name of the feature variable
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getTimeValue

      public double getTimeValue(int idxObservation)
      Returns the value of the time variable in a given observation.
      idxObservation - observation index
      value of the time variable
    • getValuesFeatureVariables

      public String[] getValuesFeatureVariables(int idxObservation)
      Returns the values of all feature variables for a given observation.
      idxObservation - observation index
      values of the feature variables in the observation