
public class FeatureStreamWithFSSWithoutUpdatingExperiment extends FeatureStreamImplementationExperiment
Represents an experiment for processing a feature stream dataset with online feature subset selection without updating the model.
  • Constructor Details

    • FeatureStreamWithFSSWithoutUpdatingExperiment

      public FeatureStreamWithFSSWithoutUpdatingExperiment(String pathFeatureStream, String nameTimeVariable, List<String> nameClassVariables, DatasetReader initialDatasetReader, DatasetReader testDatasetReader, CTBNParameterLearningAlgorithm ctbnPLA, int maxSeparatingSizeFSS, int experimentNumber, int numFeatures, boolean areModelsValidated, double sigTimeTransitionHyp, double sigStateToStateTransitionHyp) throws UnreadDatasetException, IOException
      Initializes a FeatureStreamWithFSSWithoutUpdatingExperiment with the provided configuration parameters.
      pathFeatureStream - path to the feature stream
      nameTimeVariable - name of the time variable
      nameClassVariables - list of names of class variables
      initialDatasetReader - DatasetReader for the initial dataset
      testDatasetReader - DatasetReader for the test dataset
      ctbnPLA - parameter learning algorithm for the CIM nodes
      maxSeparatingSizeFSS - maximum separating size for the feature subset selection
      experimentNumber - number identifying the experiment
      numFeatures - number of features in the dataset (used to identify results files)
      areModelsValidated - boolean indicating whether the models should be validated
      sigTimeTransitionHyp - significance level for time transition hypothesis
      sigStateToStateTransitionHyp - significance level for state-to-state transition hypothesis
      UnreadDatasetException - if there is an issue reading the dataset
      IOException - if there is an I/O error
  • Method Details